JAPAN. Festival of Corpus Christi, Tokyo, Japan, ca.1920-1940. IMP/YDS/RG101/043/0000/0082 (file), International Mission Photography Archive, ca.1860-ca.1960 (collection), Mission Photographs: Yale Divinity School Library (subcollection). https://doi.org/10.25549/impa-c123-84069
AUSTRIA. Fronleichnamsprozession der Hofburgpfarre mit dem Kaiserpaar Karl I. und Zita. Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. https://onb.digital/result/10DD986C. Karl and Zita Habsburg are underneat the tent on the left. This may have been the last Corpus Christi procession they led in Vienna.
SLOVENIA. Fronleichnamsprozess in Dornberk (Dornberg), dem Kommando des 16. Korps. Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. https://onb.digital/result/11067CDE
SWITZERLAND. Picturesque procession on Corpus Christi Day, approaching cathedral of Lucerne. Switzerland, 1903. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2022647944/.
AUSTRIA, HALLSTAT. Fronleichnam auf dem Hallstätter See, Menschen in festlich geschmückten Booten, Pfarrer, Musik-kapelle, Touristen. Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek. https://onb.digital/result/10E96E57
CANADA. Bayard, Hippolyte, 1801-1887. Corpus Christi Day Procession in the Rue Des Batignolles. 1842. Salted paper print, 16.3x11.7cm. https://jstor.org/stable/community.13725846.
IRELAND. Henri Cartier-Bresson. IRELAND. 1952. IRELAND. Munster. County Kerry. Tralee. 1952. Corpus Christi Procession. 1952. https://jstor.org/stable/community.9850890.
BELGIUM. Photograph. 1915.The Illustrated War News, Aug 04, 7.
CANADA. Corpus Christi procession parading the streets of Montreal. 1918.Canadian Daily Record, Jul 27, 1.
CHINA. Holy Procession in Macao. 1965.South China Morning Post (1946-), Jun 22, 8.
ENGLAND. Gloucester Journal, Saturday, June 29, 1946. Page 12.
GERMANY. Illustrated London News, June 30, 1945, 704.
GERMANY, BOATS. A German Corpus Christi Procession by Water: Religious Pageantry on a Bavarian Lake. Illustrated London News, June 24, 1933, 930-931.
GERMANY, BOATS. Sacred and secular: religious occasions and May Day celebrations. 1958.The Sphere 233 (3038) (Jun 21): 440-441.
ITALY. Thirty-five tons of flowers for Genzano’s floral carpet brilliant patterns at the Corpus Christi festival. 1950.The Sphere 201 (2679) (Jun 24): 459.
LITHUANIA. Famous cities of the old Baltic states. 1939.The Sphere 159 (2075) (Oct 28): 121-121, 120.
POLAND. The Sphere surveys the world. 1927.The Sphere 110 (1432) (Jul 02): 30.
SWITZERLAND. The festival of Corpus Christi at Lugano. 1911.The Graphic 83 (2168) (Jun 17): 942.
WALES. The Illustrated London News, Saturday, July 2, 1960