The Carmelites of Compiegne (and Robespierre) in the Journal de Paris

Each year, I run searches for the Carmelite martyrs of Compiegne to see where I can find them in the historical record.1 This year’s finding was an issue of the Journal de Paris.2
The Journal de Paris was a long-running daily newspaper in Paris. During the French Revolution, its issues typically began with the section Convention Nationale, with summaries of the sessions (seances) from the day before. There were also occasional sections for Musique, Variete, Commune de Paris, and Municipalite de Paris.
Of interest to us is the section Tribunale Revolutionnaire, which recorded the names, ages, and birth towns of the people sentenced to death the day before. Because sentences were frequently carried out the same day that they were handed down, this list can also be seen as a list of the previous day’s executions.
On July 18, 1794, the Journal de Paris published the names of those executed on July 17. Included in this list are the 16 Carmelites, listed by their birth names. The list ended with “dernieres ex-Carmelites a Compiegne.”
List of Carmelites
I borrowed Wikipedia’s list of the Carmelites, and added a few notes. I reordered the names, to match how they appear in the Journal. There are a few discrepancies with name spellings and ages.
- Mother Henriette of Jesus (Marie-Françoise Gabrielle de Croissy). Born in Paris, 18 June 1745.
- Journal: Croisy
- Sister Teresa of St. Ignatius (Marie-Gabrielle Trézel) Born in Compiègne, 4 April 1743.
- Sister Teresa of the Sacred Heart of Mary (Marie-Antoniette Hanisset). Born in Rheims in 1740 or 1742.
- Journal: Hannisset
- Journal: 52 years old, which would make her birth year 1742.
- Mother Teresa of St. Augustine (Madeleine-Claudine Ledoine). Born in Paris, 22 September 1752.
- Journal: Lidoine
- Sister Mary-Henrietta of Providence (Anne Petras). Born in Cajarc, 17 June 1760.
- Journal: Pellerat
- Sister Charlotte of the Resurrection (Anne-Marie-Madeleine Thouret). Born in Mouy, 16 September 1715.
- Journal: Tourret
- Sister Mary of Jesus Crucified (Marie-Anne Piedcourt). Born 1715, professed 1737.
- Mother St. Louis (Marie-Anne Brideau). Born in Belfort, 7 December 1752.
- Journal: No age given
- Sister Euphrasia of the Immaculate Conception (Marie-Claude Cyprienne). Born in 1736 in Bourth.
- Journal: Brard
- Sister Julie Louise of Jesus (Rose-Chrétien de la Neuville). Born in Loreau (or Évreux), in 1741.
- Sister St. Martha (Marie Dufour). Born in Beaune, 1 October or 2, 1742.
- Journal: No age given
- Sister Mary of the Holy Spirit (Angélique Roussel). Born in Fresnes, 4 August 1742.
- Sister St. Francis Xavier (Julie Vérolot), lay sister. Born in Laignes or Lignières, 11 January 1764.
- Journal: Verolat
- Sister Constance of St. Denis (Marie-Geneviève Meunier). Born in Saint-Denis, 28 May 1765 or 1766.
- Catherine Soiron, born in 1742.
- Journal: 55 years old, but a birth year of 1742 would be 52 years old.
- Thérèse Soiron, born in 1748
10 days after the Carmelites were killed (as William Bush pointed out, exactly 1 revolutionary week), Maximilian Robespierre was executed in the same way. His arrest and death are recorded in the July 28 and 29 issues of the Journal de Paris.
“What did the Carmelites of Compiegne sing?” “The Final Days of the Carmelites of Compiegne,” July 17, 2020. OnePeterFive. ↩︎
Much of the Journal de Paris is currently available on Hathitrust. I reference three issues from 1794: July 18, July 28, and July 29. All of those issues can be found in the following volume: Journal De Paris National. (Paris, France): Impr. du Journal de Paris, 1792-1795. ↩︎